3 events found.
Calendar / Calendrier
For every dive, please arrive 30 minutes prior.
Pour chaque plongée, veuillez arriver 30 minutes avant.
Canceled Rockport Wall
Rockport Wall 19 Front Street, Rockport, ontario, CanadaThis is a good dive spot for basic and advanced divers as it is a steep wall. There is also a small wreck. Divers must stay close to the west […]
Canceled Centeen Park / Gaskin
Centeen Park Centeen Park Brockville, Brockville, Ontario, CanadaThis is a great spot to check out your gear and visit the underwater statues or do something more adventurous. The inner area has been populated with wonderful life-sized statues. […]
Centeen Park
Centeen Park Centeen Park Brockville, Brockville, Ontario, CanadaThis is a great spot to check out your gear and visit the underwater statues or do something more adventurous. The inner area has been populated with wonderful life-sized statues. […]