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Calendar / Calendrier

For every dive, please arrive 30 minutes prior.
Pour chaque plongée, veuillez arriver 30 minutes avant.

Prescott Scuba Park

Prescott Scuba Park 100 Centre St, Prescott, Ontario, Canada

This is a great dive spot for divers at any level. There is a small wreck and a couple of old anchors to see. In 2023 the city added a […]


Canceled Ivy Lea Campground

Ivy Lea Campground 649 - 1000 Islands Parkway, Lansdowne, Ontario, Canada

This is a great dive location for several reasons. The vis can be better than other shore dive areas, there is lots of depth along the wall if desired and […]


Canceled Lock 23

Lock 23 1 Lakeshore Dr., Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

This is a very large dive site with lots to see. The current can be strong so only divers comfortable with current should participate. Here is a detailed guide about […]


Canceled Morrison’s Quarry

Morrison's Quarry 1780 Route 105, Chelsea, Quebec, Canada

This popular site has many attractions including a plane and other items of interest. The water is typically very cold though at any depth so a two layer wetsuit is […]


Lock 28 to Connie drift

Lock 28 to Connie drift 100 Galop Canal Rd, Township Of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Ontario, Canada

This is a great short drift dive starting at the "Wreck Wee Hawk". We then swim to the entrance of Lock 28 and then drift downstream and eventually cross into […]


Canceled Eastcliffe Hall 2-tank dive

Eastcliffe Hall 13480 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

The Eastcliffe Hall is a 343 ft. long freighter very close to the Chrysler Park Marina, just east of Morrisburg.  This wreck has lots to see but has a significant […]


Canceled Brockville walk-on

St Lawrence Park, Brockville 525 King Street West, Brockville, Ontario, Canada

We will be joining members of the Seaway Valley Divers and the destination will be selected by the group. Load time: 6pm Cost: $50 cash paid to the captain Max […]


Canceled Lock 25

Lock 25 105 Boat House Road, Iroquois, Ontario, Canada

This is a shallow, almost no current dive. We simply travel around an old lock. There can be some pike or carp or other interesting fish depending on the time […]


Canceled Rockport Wall

Rockport Wall 19 Front Street, Rockport, ontario, Canada

This is a good dive spot for basic and advanced divers as it is a steep wall. There is also a small wreck. Divers must stay close to the west […]



Rothesay 1671 County Road 2, Prescott, Canada

This is a great dive spot for basic divers. There is a line from the shore to the wreck. Don't forget to bring flashlights to this site! SOS and Augusta […]


Mille Roches Powerhouse – Seaway Valley Divers Pig Roast event

Powerhouse 25J8+6G Long Sault, South Stormont, ON, ON, Canada

The Seaway Valley Divers club of eastern Ontario hold an annual event open to all dive clubs in which they provide charters to a dive site, this year being the […]
